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Big Broadway Bingo




November 19th, 2023


About the Course

CCAE THEATRICALS is excited to bring back BIG BROADWAY BINGO, our one-of-a-kind rapid fire musical theatre event! Putting the FUN in fundraiser, this hilarious and random night of Broadway Show Tunes will support our current season of in-house theatrical productions.

5 Singers. 75 Possible Songs.1 Unforgettable Evening. Come and play BINGO and be entertained by our incredible cast of performers, all while supporting CCAE Theatricals’ mission to bring the best of live theatre to Escondido! What songs will be sung is up in the air, but we guarantee you will have the time of your life, and you might leave with a great prize too! The cast includes 5 CCAE Theatricals alumni, featuring the one and only Gerald Sternbach at the keys! Each admission includes 1 BINGO card to play.

Your Instructor

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